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Learn Various Ways to Get Rid of Warts

Small in shape but quite disturbing, that's a wart. The appearance of warts is caused by the presence of the HPV virus (human papillomavirus) that attaches to the skin layer and enters the body through injured skin or physical contact. Although it seems harmless, not a few people are disturbed by its existence and trying to find ways to get rid of warts. Having warts is not just a matter of shame. But it can also be quite painful. Especially if the warts appear in certain areas that are prone to stressed or rubbed. For example, Or plantar warts that are located in the soles of the feet. In addition to plantar warts and genital warts, other types of warts are periungual warts, filiform warts, common warts that usually appear on the fingers, and flat warts.

Wart Removal Techniques

Generally, warts can disappear on their own within a few months or even several years. But sometimes, someone can feel annoyed by the appearance of warts and decide to look for ways to get rid of these warts as soon as possible. If you are bothered with warts, here are some ways to get rid of warts that you can try:
  • Compress and use plaster containing salicylic acid

  • Soak the wart in water for at least 15 minutes. After that, then use a plaster that contains salicylic acid. Perform this technique every day for several weeks, to get the results. Besides
  • Freezing technique

  • This technique is also called cryotherapy. If you want to get fast results, you can use this method. However, freezing techniques can only be done by doctors. This procedure is done by spraying. Although cryotherapy can quickly remove warts, this technique cannot be used to remove all types of warts.
  • Duct tape

  • Maybe you are a little surprised to read it. However, duct tape is also a reliable way to remove warts. The trick is to attach a small part of the thick tape on the wart, and let the tape stick on it for several days. Then open the tape and soak the wart, while rubbing it gently. This method can be done several times until finally the warts disappear from your skin. This technique has not been proven effective. Therefore, if it does not improve, you should consult a dermatologist to get better results.
In addition to a variety of ways to get rid of the warts above, you can also use wart removers that are sold freely at pharmacies. However, for those of you who have certain disease conditions, such as suffering from diabetes or weakness of the immune system, it is not recommended to treat warts on your own. This is because diabetics can experience numbness or numbness so the risk of injury is higher. High blood sugar can also cause circulatory disorders in the body, so that if a wound occurs, the wound becomes difficult to heal. This condition can get worse because the risk of infection when there is a wound in diabetics is also higher. Similarly, warts on the part that is quite sensitive, such as warts around the genitals or warts on the face, do not try to be handled alone. You also need to remember, warts can be contagious. So, avoid touching your body by using a finger that has touched the wart. Also avoid sharing personal equipment with others, such as razors or towels, because the HPV virus in warts can spread or be contagious. Warts can not only attack adults, but also children. If the immune system is not good, then direct contact with warts can be transmitted directly to children. If you have a wart and are very disturbed by its appearance, either because it hurts or because it interferes with appearance, maybe you can try a variety of ways to remove the warts that have been described above. However, you are still advised to consult a doctor, because not all types of warts can be treated independently. In addition, improper handling can cause injury or infection.
